Friday, July 26, 2013

Ah, college.

It's that time of year again, folks.

 Some are going headed to high school while others are about to start a big, exciting chapter in their life, also known as college. This is an extremely exciting but also a very nerve racking time in anyone's life. It's a chance to invent a new version of you, let your past go, and make an entire new group of friends (only if you want, of course). I, for one, was really excited that I was going to a school that no one from my high school was going to. A fresh start was exactly what I needed. 

      College is not just a chance make new friends, you truly do find out who you are. In high school, whether you like to admit it or not, you do mold to fit into to the people around you. Reputations are a hard thing to get rid of but moving away to college is definitely an easy way to get rid of it, and boy, does it feel good!

      One of the main contributors to finding out who you really are is being on your own and actually having the chance to put yourself out there and make new friends. There is a big chance that you went to school with the same kids from kindergarten throughout high school, well like I mentioned before, you mold to the people around you but if you have some alone time, you're forced to become you. You have to branch out and make new friends so you get to decide how you want to be perceived. No one will know who you were in high school. When I say alone time, I don't mean that you will literally be alone 24/7 but you have more time to think about what you like, what you don't like and who you want to be. 

      You're going to be around some types of people you may not have been around before, you're going to experience SO many new things. New styles, music, sports, subjects that interest may think you know exactly what you want to do after college but chances are, you may change that 15 times before you graduate. That's whats amazing about college. You can become ANYTHING you want! Want to be a vet? Go for it! Teaching sounds fun to you? You go teach your little heart out. 

    Anyways, before I ramble on too much, this is just an introduction to what I'll be mainly blogging about throughout August. I call it, "Back to School: College Addition." I thought I'd branch off a little bit from makeup since I'm running a little dry with ideas and this sounds like a really fun thing to write about!

    This will include dorm room essentials, makeup/ fashion essentials, the do's/don'ts when it comes to new friends, roommates, and just overall tips and tricks to surviving your freshman year. Plus a few more that I'll randomly think of. '

                 Do you have anything you want any advice on? Any other suggestions for posts? 
                                                        Leave me a comment below!

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