Thursday, January 3, 2013

My Non beauty Favorites of Winter!

I thought that since I did a beauty favorites, you all my be curious about what non beauty stuff I liked this winter!


There is no question about it. Ed Sheeran was by far my favorite artist of this winter...make that the whole year! His lyrics are amazing, he has the voice of an angel, and  I was even lucky enough to see him live, and man oh man, he was perfect. There was no need for back up singers, a band, or auto-tune. I can't even pick my favorite song...if you have not checked out his album..I strongly urge you to. Right now. GO!


I have a couple favorite drinks. Most of them of the coffee/tea variety because, you will soon come to know, that I am an avid tea/coffee drinker. It gets me through me days and those late night study sessions. I really enjoyed the White Chocolate Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks and the Salted Caramel Mocha from Starbucks as well. I was introduced to tea this past summer but I didn't drink a lot of it because it was an extremely hot summer so as soon as the temperature started to decline, I was excited to drink more hot drinks, tea being the main one. My roommate visited this lovely little British themed store about 2 hours away from my house, and she said as soon as she saw that they carried Yorkshire Tea, a brand of tea you can only get in the UK, she knew she had to get me some. What a doll! That soon became my favorite tea, but I have to drink it sparingly because who knows when I'd be able to get some more! I'll have to stock up when I study abroad in London!

As for food, that is a very hard question. Being a college student, I have limited opportunities to cook. The main cooking I do is the instant Ramen Noodles or Mac n' Cheese. The cafeteria at my school did have some AMAZING mashed potatoes to I became very keen to those. Now that I am home on winter break, I LOVE grapes. They are so easy to snack on and healthy! If you haven't tried frozen grapes yet...go put some in your freezer!


I would have to favorite trend would be the "paint on nail a different color". I just think that it adds a little pizzazz to your everyday nails. I also really loved wearing big sweaters, leggings, scarves and some sort of boots. Warm, cozy, comfortable, and trendy. What more could you ask for? My scarf collect is absolutely massive! I could wear leggings almost every day, we get a lot of snow where I live so boots are essential, and who doesn't love a big this trend is perfect in my eyes.

Style Icon:

Kate Middleton. Three words. Classy. Elegant. Beautiful. I love that she reuses pieces. Not all of her pieces are from extremely expensive designers. Her outfits are basically always perfect. That is all.

oh and she's expecting! yayyy!


Danielle Peazer:

I know she's not technically a celebrity but enough people know who she is that I thought I could throw her in. If you don't know, she is a dancer for various artists and (most commonly knows as) the girlfriend of One Directions' Liam Payne. Danielle definitely has an edgier style and she has definitely had an impact on my style. She brought studded objects to my attention and a lot of designers/stores to my attention as well (Topshop, Celeboutique). And she's gorgeous.

I'd kill for her hair....and body...and boyfriend...hmph.

There you have it! My non beauty favorites of winter. Leave a comment below saying your favorites because I'm nosy and I like knowing that stuff! Much love. Xx


Anonymous said...

Wow! One word. Amazing.

I love your blog! You are now on my reading list ...

:) I have done a review on beauty products please check it out, would mean the WORLD to me, thanks x

Unknown said...

Thank you!! I will definitely check yours out!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I know this post is really old but can you tell me where the brown jumper is from in the leggings 3 looks photo? Thanks!