Friday, January 4, 2013

New Years Resolutions!

Oh yes, it's that time of the year again..lists upon lists of resolutions are being written and then the resolutions being "forgotten". I know I'm already having trouble staying true to mine and its only been 3 full days...So while I try to find some inspiration for myself, I thought I could help you guys along the way! First, I thought I'd tell you all my resolutions...they're a bit more reasonable this year than in past.


Drink. More. Water. Since going away to college, I have found myself gravitating towards the soda fountains they have in my cafeteria for close to every meal. I've already decided that I can't give up coffee (that just seems impossible), so I've decided to completely cut out fizzy drinks and substitute them with water. Water also curbs your appetite, and nothing is wrong with that! 


Stop expecting the worst out of people. Pretty self explanatory.


Stress less about stuff I have no control over. Now that I'm in college and working, I have A LOT on my plate. Piles of homework, having to some how pay back school, get an internship, figure out information about studying abroad...the list goes on. That being said, I can't afford to stress about anything else. I'm thinking I should take up yoga...leave a comment below if you've taken you before and it's helped you with stress, or any other ways that have helped you!


Appreciate the small stuff. No matter how stressed I get, mad my family/friends/school makes me, I have to remember that I may not be rich, but I have a roof over my head, a full stomach every night when I go to sleep, and an opportunity to get a good education. And for that, I am forever grateful.

Of course, the usual "lose weight" is on the list to but my philosophy is, if I lose some, great! If I don't, it's not the end of the world. 

I also plan on taking a lot more pictures, blogging more, and just trying to enjoy everyday more. 


I believe in all of you!!! comment below with some of your resolutions and how they are going! Xx

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